Messing Around with ChatGPT’s and Copilot’s Python Coding Abilities

Overview I’ve been testing out ChatGPT’s capabilities for a few months with different tasks including quantitative and development questions. In a few cases, I’ll write the code and then see how ChatGPT solves it (or if it does). This case was particularly interesting because I didn’t give it a bunch of instructions to start with … Read more

What should a Ph.D. student do if their scientific writing doesn’t seem good enough? Is there any way to improve it?

(Adapted from an answer I gave several years ago to this question on Quora) I’m assuming you are actively writing. If not, you must start there. Here are some things I have tried to follow to improve my scientific writing: Understand the basic parts of a scientific paper. This might sound trivial, but it is the … Read more

My Gear and Tools

This page has a bunch of info about stuff that I own. I’ve mostly put things that I recommend on this page, and tried to provide useful feedback/advice wherever possible. I constantly try to find gear, tools, and systems to smooth out the day to day bumps in my life. Hopefully this page gives you … Read more

Inkscape vs. Affinity Designer

Overview: There are many pros to Affinity Designer from my experience and only a few cons. Would I recommend it? Yes, if you are using Inkscape often (once per month or more), Designer is definitely worth buying (wait for 50% off sale price). Disclaimer: Many things I mention are probably possible in Designer and Inkscape. … Read more

A Systematic Guide to Literature Reviews

As a graduate student, I’ve looked at hundreds of research papers. Over the years, I realized the necessity to develop a system for myself to effectively keep track of, organize, and process – in a word, harness – all this knowledge. Further, I realized I needed to have a system that made it easy to … Read more

An Authorship Framework for Research Papers

Authorship disputes are a persistent problem in academia, and they often lead to feelings of resentment. These disputes are a waste of energy, discouraging, and (mostly) avoidable. To reduce the chance of disputes in my lab, I reviewed a couple of journal papers on authorship guidelines and an example or two that other labs had … Read more